WKO+ dices and slices, and organizes/presents the data in about every way imaginable. Its really a full-on professional level training tool. The biggest strength is that after years of data, I can review, compare, and hypothesize what works and what doesn't. Its fun to compare current progress with prior, I could go on for ever.. but lets look at 2007.

The following day I competed in the Hill Climb Time Trial, and won that as well with the days best Cat 1 time, even beating the Semi Pro best time (Posted By Manny Prado). The TT was extra cool as it was a full on power interval type climb with a very fast, somewhat technical descent. It wasn't all about legs and lungs, you had to handle a bike well too.
Following the TT was the 40+ Short Track where I placed 3rd.. the legs never really opened back up, and considering I had 2 winners Jerseys already, I wasn't as motivated as I possibly could have been. But overall, Sea Otter 2007 XC was my first big win, and the hill climb a special added bonus.
Next up, MTB Nationals, Mt Snow Vermont. My training was excellent, my form was on, and I quickly surged to the front in a completely evil and treturious mud strewn rock fest of an MTB race. It was absolutely the most difficult race I have ever competed in, and I was leading it! Of course the focus was intense, so intense that I forgot to eat during the event and on the final climb of the last lap I hit the wall and was crushed as I watched 2 guys go by me, 2 guys that had forgotten I was even leading. There was nothing I could do, and shortly thereafter we were on the descent to the finsih, so close.. but 2nd looser ain't so bad, 3rd at Nat's rocks!

2007 I reached a level of performance that is basically the best I can do. Since then I have improved somewhat, not necessarily in power, or aerobic capability, but in race finness. I'm a better racer and can do more with the power I have. Racing is a combination of fitness and skill, never underestimate skill. Power is important, but skill and racing sharp is required to step to the top. Knowing when and where you can make time and taking advantage of every opportunity is a learned skill, and it takes time. You learn it by trying to catch the fast guys! Race with the fast guys, and you will soon be racing like the fast guys.
2007 Closed with some awesome road rides in my home town and a fun local MTB race series we have in the Fall. 2008 would be another solid year, with success and plenty of hard earned lessons.